Things I learned today ...
* Although domestic cats (many of which are feral) are estimated to kill millions of wild birds each year, more birds meet their untimely demise as a result of building collisions.
* I like to lessen my own culpability in ecosystem damage.
* Bells on collars do not prevent cats from killing wildlife; some studies suggest that the bells may even condition the animals be more efficient at silently stalking their prey.
* Again with the minimizing of pet-owner responsibility.
* Cats are the Zebra muscle of the domesticated animal world -- an invasive species..
* And that catbird I managed to wrestle from her terrible claws will probably die anyway.
Oh, wait. There is an upside:
* A "University tested" and humane way to protect songbirds AND humiliate their would-be killers: The Cat Bib.
OMG... a WHAT? That is the craziest looking thing I have ever seen. In all those pictures those cats have looks on their faces like please... someone help me.
I grew up in the country on a farm so I was 20 before I ever heard someone say anything bad about a cat killing a bird. For us, it was just what they did. There were 100 other birds out there for each one they killed.
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